Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm new to this blogging craze so therefore don't know what i'm to expect by doing so. what I do know is that i hope by blogging somehow it will help me find my way, keep my mind clear and inspire along the way. I hope honesty fills these lines, and as thoughts are released, freedom leaps from the keyboard, clings to my finger-tips rides up my hands, arms and to my mind, heart and spirit.

Aside from that I have no expectations, I just hope more than anything the hidden child in me finds her place that she shyly comes from behind the curtain and shows her face to the crowd awaiting to see the real Katrina. I hope the real Katrina finds herself in those who read, surprisingly read and happily discover that true honesty is in being who you are, flaws and all.

I stay on a journey of self discovery, self-doubt, self-image issues, self-love issues, self-acceptance its a journey that never ends, a journey whose roads change like the tides, one day smooth carefree easy and confident, then next jagged, abrasive, dark, lonely and uncertain. Yet it's still my journey. So, while I am secretive, reserved and private by nature, I'll brave the unsheltered home we call the world wide web and use this vehicle to blazen a new path in hope that other women will hear their stories and decide just like me that who I am is Simply Katrina.